Photo by Lexey Swall

Have you ever considered how your history illuminates and shapes History?

Investigating the intersections of personal stories and historic moments gives new opportunities to learn about the past and ourselves.

History Needs Our Stories

Family stories illuminate history. Many of mine are connected to broad forces and cultural moments, yet no one documented them. Family members didn’t view themselves as “important” or their stories as especially interesting. 

They were wrong.

Everyone’s personal and family history offers rich stories.

Simple anecdotes about past ways of life help us understand trends and movements. Complex tales about struggles, resilience, and adaptability give us wisdom and strength. All have the potential to educate, inspire, and guide us forward.  

If we are to make the telling of history inclusive and as accurate as possible, our stories matter. 

We are storytelling for the greater good.


In our past and present, the stories of our lives intersect with the larger world. What is often overlooked is how these stories enrich and deepen our collective History.

Your story holds immense significance, and you can discover the meaning. I invite you to explore my site to begin sifting through what your own story reveals.